
    Sheldon Franken - 

Owner / Facilitator

Sheldon Franken is a School Counsellor for the Vancouver School Board and was previously a school counsellor and outdoor education facilitator for the Delta School District. Prior to being a school counsellor, Sheldon was a canoe and backpacking guide for youth-at-risk in various locations across North America. Sheldon is also actively involved in the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) and co-convened the AEE North West Regional Conference that took place in Squamish, BC on April 29-May 1st, 2016. 

Sheldon has presented workshops on using experiential based methods to address social emotional learning, personal wellness, and team-building to organizations, associations, and schools across North America. At the British Columbia Teachers' Federation 2017 Conference Sheldon presented workshops on experiential social learning to audiences of over 200 delegates. Sheldon's passion is using experiential education practices and tools to actively engage students and clients in their personal and social well-being.